Monday, March 18, 2013

Why is it critical to learn about bullying?

The topic of bullying is important to discuss in classrooms today because of the major effects it can have on a classroom environment. When students are educated about the harm that bullying can cause to a student who is a victim, students can feel empowered to stand up against someone who is targeting a student who feels helpless in a particular situation.

Bullying can be thought of as a broad topic with the big idea of one person using verbal or physical violence towards another student. To begin teaching this topic, a teacher can ask their students what they think bullying is in order to gain a general perspective of a student’s background knowledge on the topic. Once the general idea is produced, a teacher can then break bullying down into several different concepts; concepts like physical bullying, emotional bullying, and cyberbullying. Using specific facts from each of these concepts that make up bullying, a teacher can empower their students to be able to recognize any act of bullying that may occur, as well as giving them strategies on how to act against the type of bullying.

To teach our readers about the topic of bullying and all that it entails, we will be breaking up the big idea into smaller concepts that demonstrate the different types of bullying, how they can be used, where they can be found, and how a certain type of bullying can affect a student. Our readers will walk away from this blog with information of how to prevent bullying of any type in their classroom. 

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