Monday, March 25, 2013

Courtney Da Silva-- Taking Action

50206 – Courtney, 22, Massachusetts
– The End Of Bullying Begins With Me

             When we were asked to take action on our topic, I immediately began researching different options. The more I looked into taking action, I came across incredibly devastating stories of children that have been brutally bullied and taken their lives. It pains me to read about the thousands of children that are bullied everyday, and many of these children are not receiving the attention they need! There are numerous ways to contribute to this issue, but I initially chose this petition. I want it to be clear that I am fighting towards the end of bullying and being number 50206, I feel as though I am headed in the right direction.  With the additional research that I have done, I am most definitely looking into continuing my action against bullying. I am looking into signing up for walks and getting involved where ever possible. 
             As educators, I think that it is crucial to be aware of what is gong on in our classrooms at all times whether it be in a school classroom, an after school program, a dance class, or practicing sports. It is up to us to keep these children safe and teach them that bullying is not an option! There are far too many cases of bullying across the nation and we must start with ourselves in order to prevent more cases from arising. 
            I strongly believe that it begins with the teaching of social justice issues whether it be from an educator in a classroom or from parents at home. It is a sticky issue when it comes to teaching social justice issues in the classroom, but as a democratic nation it is important that these children learn how to become the best citizens that they can be. We as teachers are responsible for modeling the behavior and actions of responsible and productive citizens in our communities. 
“Struggle for social justice is central to our nation’s history…“Concerns about the common good and the rights of the individual, no matter how humble in social standing, transcends politics and holds a definitive place in the realms of morality, ethics and federal law, and therefore in the world of teaching social studies”

               It is important to take a look at the previous quote and understand that it is merely up to us to make a difference, and create the change that we both want and need to see. We cannot expect our nation to suddenly change and become a better place with out putting in the effort to make that shift. The change and understanding of a united and supportive nation begins with all of us. This leads me to the discussion of my interest and experience in researching this topic.  I believed that I was well aware of the issues that stem from bullying when I first entered this assignment, but now through intense study and readings, I can truthfully state that this issue is far more devastating that I originally imagined. It was an eye opener to view the statistics and cases that are connected to this large topic of bullying. I is however extremely uplifting to know that there are people and organizations out there doing all that they can to take a stand against bullying. There are easily attainable resources for any person to contact and reach out to. There is endless research and information for children, parents/guardians, and teachers to read and use to make a difference for our own children and the rest of the children that are out there that will some day need our help as well. 
            Again, I am very lucky to have chosen a topic that interested me to this extent. It was an incredible way to introduce us to current events and how to utilize them in our teachings. There is so much going on in our world today, that it is important to introduce current events to our students. It will teach them how to stay on top of current topics that may not affect their lives right now but most certainly will in their future. They will be able to learn to form their own opinions and stand up for what they believe in. To say the least, teaching through currents events opens up a variety of options for students to learn through. They will be introduced to discussions, debates, and most importantly being able to talk through problems and create solutions. 

I hope that you have enjoyed reading our blog and will too take a stand against bullying. Take a minute and contribute to this petition to make a difference. 

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